New equipment from the Iris Mec brand to destroy car and motorcycle license plates with integrated camera.

This equipment is quick and easy to use: simply place the plate on the input support and operate the device, which will destroy the plate in just 14 seconds.

At the same time, we’ll create a video useful to confirm the destruction.

TRT is capable of destroying all types of plates:

  • 1 line rear car plate (520 x 110 mm);
  • 1 line front car plate (360 x 110 mm);
  • 2-line rear car plate (297 x 214 mm);
  • Motorcycle plate (175 x 175 mm);

Closed grinding system to ensure operator safety.

The container for the collection of the shredded material is located inside the machine.

Camera and software to document elimination operations

To evidence the successful destruction of the plates, there is a camera, with a micro SD card that is activated upon access and creates a video of the plate shredding; the video automatically takes the name of the license plate.

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