New “VS Line” by Iris-Mec with PFT-Strong fuel recovery system with remote controls and visual monitoring system for petrol and diesel quality.
New “VS Line” by Iris-Mec with PFT-Strong fuel recovery system with remote controls and visual monitoring system for petrol and diesel quality.
New “VS Line” by Iris-Mec with PFT-Strong fuel recovery system with remote controls and visual monitoring system for petrol and diesel quality.
Fixed and mobile systems designed for the recovery and reuse of fuels like Petrol, Gasoil, LPG and Methane from End of Life Vehicles.
New Easygas: unit system to recover and disposal of residual LPG and Methane gases fuels in the tanks of ELV, equipped with burner for the residual gas.
Replace your manual punchers with the new PFT-Strong puncher for fuel tanks with remote controls, ideal for easily to drill vehicle fuel tanks.
Replace your manual punchers with the new PFT-Strong puncher for fuel tanks with remote controls, ideal for easily to drill vehicle fuel tanks.
Mobile roll-on stations for the complete depollution of end-of-life vehicles.
The system to recover residual LPG and Methane gases.